
ISO 14064-1

Quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals at the organization level

ISO 14064-1

ISO 14064-1 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals at the organization level. The standard was first published in 2006 and has since been revised twice, with the latest version released in 2019.

The purpose of ISO 14064-1 is to provide a framework for organizations to accurately quantify, report and verify their GHG emissions and removals, as well as to provide transparency and credibility to their emissions data. The standard is based on the principles of accuracy, completeness, consistency, transparency, and relevance.

ISO 14064-1 is part of a broader series of standards, including ISO 14064-2, which provides guidelines for the quantification, monitoring, and reporting of GHG emissions and removals from specific projects or activities, and ISO 14064-3, which provides requirements and guidance for the verification and validation of GHG emissions and removals.

The standard applies to all types of organizations, regardless of their size, sector or geographical location, and is particularly useful for those seeking to manage their climate impact and reduce their GHG emissions. By implementing ISO 14064-1, organizations can identify areas of their operations that contribute most to GHG emissions, set targets for emissions reductions, and track progress towards these targets.

To conform to ISO 14064-1, organizations must establish a GHG inventory, which involves identifying and measuring all sources of emissions and removals and addressing significant emissions within the boundary. This includes direct emissions from fuel combustion, as well as indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating and cooling, and transportation. The inventory needs to be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure accuracy and completeness.

ISO 14064-1 also requires organizations to report their GHG emissions and removals in a transparent and consistent manner, using recognized international units and methods. Reporting can take various forms, including annual sustainability reports, public disclosures, and other forms of communication with stakeholders.

In addition to providing benefits to the environment, ISO 14064-1 can also provide economic benefits for organizations, such as reducing energy and resource consumption, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing reputation and brand value.

ISO 14064-1 is a valuable tool for organizations seeking to manage their climate impact and reduce their GHG emissions. By establishing a GHG inventory, reporting emissions and removals in a transparent and consistent manner, and verifying their data through an independent third-party, organizations can gain credibility and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

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ISO 14064-1 Fundamentals

ISO 14064-1 specifies the basic requirements for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals at the organization level. The basic requirements of ISO 14064-1 are:

1. Establishing a GHG inventory: The organization must identify and quantify all sources of GHG emissions and removals, including direct and indirect emissions from its activities, products, and services. The inventory must be based on a defined organizational boundary and use recognized international units and methods.

2. Defining a reporting period: The organization must establish a reporting period, which should be consistent with the organization's financial reporting period or other relevant time frame. The reporting period should be at least one year, but may be shorter or longer depending on the organization's needs.

3. Reporting GHG emissions and removals: The organization must report its GHG emissions and removals in a transparent and consistent manner, using recognized international units and methods. The report should include a summary of the organization's GHG emissions and removals, a breakdown of emissions by source, and information on any GHG reduction initiatives or projects.

4. Ensuring accuracy and completeness: The organization must ensure that its GHG inventory is accurate and complete, and that it includes all relevant sources of emissions and removals. This requires regular review and updates to the inventory, as well as quality assurance and quality control measures.

5. Verifying GHG emissions and removals: The organization may choose to have its GHG emissions and removals verified by an independent third-party. This involves a review of the organization's GHG inventory, data management systems, and reporting processes, and can provide additional credibility and assurance to stakeholders.

By conforming to these basic requirements, organizations can improve their understanding of their GHG emissions and develop effective strategies for reducing their climate impacts. ISO 14064-1 can help organizations to identify areas of their operations that contribute most to GHG emissions, set targets for emissions reductions, and track progress towards these targets.

ISO 14064-1 Structure

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ISO 14064-1 Lacks

The ISO 14064-1 standard however doesn’t specify requirements for reductions and removals of GHG emissions or compensation of unavoidable GHG emissions and further offsetting them.

Other standards have been developed or are in development that addresses requirements for reductions in emissions and/or removals and how organizations engage in offsetting activities, i.e. ÍST 92 on Carbon offsetting and ISO 14068: Carbon neutrality currently being developed.