Under development

Ljárskógar í Dölum

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Project Information

Est. Annual Mitigations

672t CO2-e

Project Status
Under development
Project Type
Sequestration / Removal
Afforestation and reforestation
Project Description

Á Ljárskógum í Dölunum verða gróðursettar um 400 þúsund plöntur sumarið 2023, greni, fura, ösp, birki og lerki. Svæðið er í dag skóglaust og einkennist af mosa og lynggrónum melum. Syðri hluti svæðisins er frjósamari þar sem er að finna votlendi og graslendi. Það sést á innrauðum loftmyndum að rýr og gróðursnauð svæði einkenna líka skógræktarsvæðið en það hefur verið nýtt sem hrosshagi lengi og er því frekar illa farið að mati landeiganda. Nánari upplýsingar er hægt að fá á heimasíðu Yggdrasil Carbon: https://www.yggcarbon.is/verkefni/ljarskogar-i-doelunum/

Validation Criteria
Forest carbon code
ÍST TS 92:2022
Verification Criteria
Forest carbon code
ÍST TS 92:2022




Geographical Region
65.1613642539327, -21.69402886131519
View on Map
All credit information, issuances, retirements and holders.
Est. Annual Mitigations
t CO2-e per year
Est. Total
t CO2-e
Crediting Start Date
JUN 30 '23
Crediting Period
50 Years

Sustainable Developement Goals

Good Health and Well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Life on Land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss


Level 1 additionality

Baseline additionality. Compared to the baseline scenario the project needs to mitigate climate change. That is the project must implement actions that are additional to what would occur compared to the baseline.

Level 2a additionality

Statutory additionality. The project must implement actions that are beyond requirements stipulated in local legislation or regulations. Projects are statutory additional if their implementation and/or operation is not required by any law, statute, or other regulatory framework, agreements, settlements, or other legally binding mandates requiring implementation and operation or requiring implementation of similar measures that would result in the same mitigations in the host country.

Level 4b additionality

Financial additionality II. The project is financially additional if it faces significant financial limitations that revenues from the sale of carbon credits mitigates or are revenues due to the sale of carbon credits are the only source of revenues. When carbon credit revenues are a precondition for the implementation of the project and/or carbon credit revenues are essential in maintaining the project operations and ongoing financial viability post-implementation, then they are considered to be financial additional II.

Project Insights


An overview of all the people associated to this project. Participants, validators, verification bodies and other.

Contact persons

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